Tuesday 17 December 2013

What is Migraine ? Is it Dangerous ? Read On!

Most of people got migraine isn't it ? I always had headache but i think that's not migraine :) Let's read this article ! :)

What is Migraine ?
Migraine is a condition in which headaches are caused by blood flow and chemical changes in the brain. This change will cause the arteries that supply blood to the brain is blocked and cause headaches followed by abdominal discomfort , nausea and dizziness . Migraine is also known as ' vascular headache ' , while in Greek it is known as ' henimikrania ' meaning the skull . Usually sufferers feel pain or throbbing only on the side of the head only , and as time went on both sides of the head . In severe cases of migraine can cause dizziness ( nausea ) , vomiting , diarrhea, and sensitivity to light and sound . It occurs when blood vessels expand and contract quickly and it is also associated with the swelling (inflammation ) . It also sometimes cause effects on the view and create a phenomenon in view of the so-called aura . It is a neurological condition that is common among people of developed and developing countries . It is common in the age after puberty . Migraine is also a hereditary disease and has a tendency to recur. Women have a tendency to suffer more migraines than men ( 75 % ) , familiarity before menstruation and after menopause.

Cause of Migraine
1 - Food ( especially those containing tyramine )
For migraine sufferers , here are some foods that should be limited to take it that you do not get a headache attacks :

-Cheddar cheese
-Salty foods , pickled , or fermented foods
-Foods containing nitrites or nitrates such as hot dogs or MSG (monosodium glutamate )
-Papaya , avocado , pickled
-Drinking more than two cups of caffeinated beverages such as tea , coffee , or soda in a day
-Alcohol ( including red wine and beer )

Tyramine is a natural substance formed from the breakdown of protein in the food when it is old . Foods that contain high amounts of tyramine include aged cheeses , red wine , yogurt , beer , sour cream, processed meats , pickles , avocados and some nuts , such as garbanzo , pinto and five .

2 - Dehydration ( lack of water)
You may be dehydrated - hydrated even if you do not think you are thirsty . Doctors recommend 64 to 80 ounces , or eight glasses of water a day to maintain proper hydration . Alcohol and caffeine increase dehydration in the body and must be avoided .

3 - Menstruation
For most women, the menstrual cycle is the main trigger of migraine attacks . Attacks usually occur a few days before or during the menstrual period . In some women even appear when ovulation attack . Declining estrogen is believed to be the culprit. Women who reach menopause , estrogen levels flukstuasi also trigger an increased risk of migraine .

4 - Hormones
If your hormones fluctuate, migraine may follow . Many women suffer from migraines with menstrual periods and during pregnancy or menopause. Oral contraceptives or other forms of hormone replacement therapy can also improve the consistency of migraine.

5 - The situation around
The strong aroma of perfume is a direct trigger for some women . Thus , it is sometimes difficult for patients to be in a public space such as office and cosmetic outlets in shopping malls . For others , flickering lights or a movie screen in a dark theater or sunlight shining through the trees on the street or while driving can also trigger migraines. Noise also sometimes trigger the migraine .

6 - Stress ( stress incontinence )
The most common migraine triggers is stress. Patients with migraine are considered very emotionally responsive . Anxiety, fear , shock , and grief , all able to release certain brain chemicals that cause migraine headaches .

7 - Changes in sleep patterns
'Jet lag and erratic sleep patterns can affect the occurrence of migraine particularly . Changing your sleep schedule by only an hour can cause migraines , especially in sensitive individuals sleep .

Lifestyle and Cause
• Over sleep, reduced sleep or irregular sleep time can cause migraines.
• Poor diet or not eating regularly.
• Taking medications can also causes the migraine. So ask your doctor before taking the medication.
• Climate change may also cause migraines. This includes the direct sunlight or bright light.
• The sound and smell.
• Watching TV or computer screen facing a long period of time.
• Emotional stress or stress. It depends on the individual, either before or during stress.
• Smoking.
• Gender (3-4 times more frequent in women than men are suffering)

Types of Migraine
-Classic Migraines
For this type of migraine sufferers, usually there are early signs that is known as an aura or prodrome before the onset of a migraine. It happened about 5-15 minutes. Some of the signs are visible light, zigzag lines, double shadow, numbness, temporary blindness, dizziness and twisting, tough talk and disordered mind. This is caused by blood vessels that function as conveyors of blood to the brain and surrounding tissues while narrowing and limiting the transmission of blood. Next interference in the nervous feeling and motor control.

-Common Migraine
Many people suffer from this type of migraine, and it happened without warning or any sign.

Symptoms of Migraine
Early Symptoms : One or two days before the onset of migraine , patients usually experience early symptoms such as weakness , excessive yawning , really want a particular food ( chocolate ) , irritable , and restless .

Aura : Only found in classical migraine . Usually occurs within 30 minutes prior to the onset of a migraine . Aura can be shaped visual disturbances such as seeing wavy lines , bright lights , dark spots , or can not see objects clearly . Other aura symptoms are tingling or tingling in the hands . Most people can not pronounce the words properly , feel numbness in the hand , shoulder , or face , or feel weak on one side of the body , or feeling confused . Patients may experience symptoms only just one or a few kinds of symptoms , but these symptoms do not occur together but alternately . An aura symptoms usually disappear when the headache or other symptoms arise aura . But sometimes the aura symptoms persisted at the beginning of a headache .

Headache and associated symptoms : Patients feel the throbbing pain on one side of the head , often felt in the back of the eye . Pain can move on to the other side 's next attack , or on both sides . The pain ranges from moderate to severe . Other symptoms that often accompany the headache include:

* Excessive sensitivity to light , sound , and smell
* Nausea and vomiting
* Symptoms of more severe if physical activity

Without treatment , the headache usually resolves itself within 4 to 72 hours .

Late symptoms : headache Once cured , the patient may feel pain in the muscles , fatigue , or even feel the excitement of the brief . These symptoms disappear within 24 hours after the disappearance of the headache.

How is migraine diagnosed ?
Doctors try to exclude or find other possible causes such as myopia eye headache, stress or not enough rest. But doctors will say it's migraine if:

You had great 5 times or more headaches without aura or 2 times a headache with aura. Headache-dated 4-72 hours without eating any medication. Nausea and want to vomit, a beam of light and sound cause headaches worse.

How To Prevent Migraine ?
1 . Avoiding triggers
Migraine triggers include smoking ( nicotine can narrow the blood vessels in the brain ) , too much strenuous exercise , stress , changes in sleep patterns , headaches and neck , dental problems , certain foods , pungent odors , light and menstruation .

2 . Note the blood sugar levels
The decrease in blood sugar levels can trigger a migraine because it leads to glucose which is released into the bloodstream , causing blood pressure to rise. Eat regularly every 4 hours and not more than 12 hours overnight without food .

Choose foods with a low glycemic index such as fruits and vegetables , low-fat yogurt and cheese . Avoid high GI foods such as white bread , pastries , sugary drinks and candy .

3 . Check the intake of caffeine
Too much caffeine can cause blood vessels around the brain becomes too limited , which can trigger a migraine . More than 300 mg of caffeine a day ( 3 cups of coffee or five cups of instant powder ) can cause problems . Try to reduce or switch to decaffeinated beverages . Chocolate also contains caffeine .

4 . Flavoring or food additives ( BTP )
Many people are sensitive to food additives reported as monosodium glutamate ( MSG ) , aspartame ( artificial sweetener ) , tartrazine ( a yellow dye used to color soft drinks and marzipan ) , sulphites ( found in grapes ) and sodium benzoate ( found in shrimp , margarine , drinks lightweight and sweets ) .

5 . Chewable Ginger
Chewing ginger can relieve nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany migraine symptoms . Ginger can also block the effects of prostaglandins , which are substances that can cause inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and trigger a migraine .

6 . Increase your serotonin levels
Studies have shown low levels of serotonin in migraine sufferers . Eat foods rich in protein such as chicken , turkey , eggs , dairy products , bananas , dates , wheat , rice , nuts and seeds to increase serotonin levels .

7 . Drinking water
Dehydration also can trigger migraines . Tissue around the brain consists of water , so that when the tissue fluid loss will shrink , causing irritation and pain . Drinking between 1 and 2 liters of water a day can reduce the severity , duration and frequency of migraine attacks .

8 . Vitamin
5HTP is used to make serotonin which helps to reduce the body's susceptibility to migraine attacks . Butterbur and Coenzyme Q10 is also believed to help prevent migraines .

9 . Eating foods rich in magnesium
Magnesium deficiency can cause reduced blood flow to the brain and also reduced blood sugar , both of which affect the migraine attack . Foods such as green vegetables , tomatoes , nuts , seeds , whole grains , potatoes , oats , peas and extra yeast contains a lot of magnesium .

10 . Yoga
Yoga can make you calm , reduce stress and ease aches and pains . Yoga can also alleviate stiffness in the neck and shoulders so as to prevent a recurrence of the symptoms of migraine .

Treatment of Migraine
In the early stages , you can use anti - pain can be bought without a prescription , such as paracetamol , or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) such as aspirin , ibuprofen , or naproxen sodium , to reduce the symptoms of migraine . Doctors usually recommend to first use NSAIDs to see if the drug is able to reduce the pain before giving anti- migraine drugs other classes that need to be prescribed , which have many side effects .

You can also try to reduce the frequency of migraines by identifying and avoiding trigger can cause migraines .

If you suffer migraines are mild to moderate , you only need an anti - counter pain relieving symptoms . If you are a moderate to severe migraine , you need anti - migraine purchased with a prescription . If you experience frequent migraine attacks , your doctor may suggest taking medication for migraine prevention .

Some migraine preventive drugs can cause mild to severe side effects in some patients . Patients who have heart problems or high blood pressure that is not controlled should not take this drug . Patients older than 65 years , migraine prevention drug is not recommended .

Usually you need to try several drugs before you find the one that best fits you . If you experience nausea or vomiting as a side effect of treatment anti-migraine , your doctor also usually prescribe anti- nausea medications such as prochlorperazine or metoclopramide vomiting , to reduce the symptoms .

Although drugs are usually the primary treatment of migraine , usually complementary therapies may help reduce the symptoms and frequency of migraine attacks . Complementary therapies include:

* Acupuncture , which involves inserting very fine needles into the skin at specific points to cause the flow of energy throughout the body . This action can help to relax the muscles and reduce the headache .

* Relaxation techniques , which can help reduce stress in everyday life .

If migraines are not cured even after taking medication , it is necessary to change the type of drug . If it has not healed well , additional tests such as an MRI or CT scan should be done to rule out other causes .

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