Sunday 17 November 2013

Symptoms of breast cancer! Read on!

This topic... For this topic i don't want to put any picture okayyyyy ? even cartoon picture i don't want >:[ but I can put this picture :)

What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor (tumor cancers) that arise from cell action arising from the breast. It evolved through the process of division above the needs of the next attack organs and organs and tissues such as lymph nodes near (under the armpit). These cancer cells are also able to free itself from the original tumor thus enter the bloodstream and lymphatic system and can get into other areas, such as the brain, lungs, and bone.

How do we want to know the early symptoms of breast cancer?
The area has a problem that is essentially a tumor will not be known until the individual to make health screening . A person will only feel swelling in the breast but no pain . As a result, many women who do not take care of the changes, until the bump is converted to a chronic stage . When it is too painful,  then they see a doctor and get treatment, but at the time, it was too late, probably will be more difficult treatment .

Women should be aware of the changes that occur in the breast and nipple.
* Changes in the breast or nipple sensation
* Lumps or changes in the thickness of the breast or under the
* Breast nipples felt stiff and sore
* Changes seen in the breast or nipple
* Change the size and shape of the breast
* Breast nipple mired in
* The surface skin of the breast, around the nipple, or the
  nipple scaly, red or swollen. Skin surface can be rough or
  porous surface seems like an orange.

Although early stage breast cancer usually does not cause pain , women should consult a doctor or qualified medical personnel in case of pain in their breast or the symptoms do not go away .Most of the symptoms or signs are not cancer.

How to prevent the disease ?
As the breast cancer mortality is the highest contributor to the women, a screening method ( screening ) is the main thing that should be done by every woman. The recommended screening methods include breast self examination (Breast self -examination ) and mammography. Only mammography has been proven to reduce mortality from breast cancer.

At this point mammography is still the best option for early breast cancer screening . It is the gold standard for other imaging modalities such as ultrasound, MRI and CT are less effective due to the spatial resolution (spatial) lower. CT by itself is nearly useless for breast cancer screening as MRI provides better resolution and quality, but at a higher cost. In many cases, the use of mammograms are recommended for women aged 40 years and above.

Treatment for this condition depends on the condition of the cancer, whether it be at the beginning, middle or chronic stage. If we can detect tumors in the first, then the process for carrying out the treatment is simple, where we will remove seeds and lumps in the area alone, but if it was worse then we had to go for an operation to remove all breast in addition to screening and surgery in the lymph gland, to ensure that the cancer does not spread.

After all the surgery is done, we will follow up with other treatments of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in addition to plastic surgery for breast original form.

Who is at risk ?
No one knows the cause of the apparent occurrence of breast cancer. However studies show some risk factors may allow one to suffer from breast cancer.
Age :
Possible to get higher breast cancer when women are older.

The disease is rarely experienced by women before menopause.
1. Individual history of breast cancer: A woman who suffered from breast cancer in one breast have a higher risk of getting breast cancer in the other side.

2. Family history: A woman at high risk for breast cancer if his mother, sister or daughter suffering from breast cancer.

3. Some breast changes: Some women have cells in percent breast abnormalities.
For example: Atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ is the abnormal cells in the breast with a high risk of developing breast cancer.Genetic changes: Changes in certain genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, and others).

4.Women who are among the families who have experienced breast cancer can undergo genetic screening to find out the changes in certain genes

Other Risk ?

* Fertility and menstrual history
* The age of a woman when acquiring their first child, the higher the risk of getting breast cancer.
* Women who are menstruating at a very early age (before 12 years), age at menopause late (after age 55), or do not have children are also at risk of getting breast cancer.
* Those who take menopausal hormone therapy beyond five years is likely to get breast cancer.
* Race: Breast cancer is more common in fair-skinned people of Asian or African.
* Obesity after menopause: After menopause, those who are obese (too fat) is likely to get breast cancer is higher.
* Physical activity: Women who are not directly active throughout his life experienced a high risk to get breast cancer.
* Alcohol: Some studies suggest women who drink alcohol at high risk for breast cancer.

Women who suffer from the above symptoms should seek a doctor before undergoing further examination. Usually chunks of soft, smooth, round and can move are harmless or benign.
Clear lumps form, attached at the breast tissue is often more likely cancer.

5 Types of Foods Cause Breast Cancer
In the first decade of the 21st century, the researchers found a link between food types with breast cancer . Type of food/beverages such as meat, alcohol, caffeine, and soy products touted as the types of food that can cause breast cancer .

According to the American Cancer Society, the tendency to consume alcohol and alcoholic beverages will increase the risk of breast cancer. In fact, the ACS recommends that women who are prone to breast cancer to refrain from alcoholic beverages. Do not take more than one glass of alcohol per day . Even with just drinking a few glasses of alcohol per week already can cause breast cancer in old age. 1.5 ounces of liquor, 5 ounces of wine glasses, and 12 ounces of beer is equivalent to one glass of alcoholic beverage.

There is an impression that say that caffeinated drinks, like coffee is one of the causes of breast cancer. American Society states that this opinion is not entirely true. Caffeine, does not cause cancer but increase the risk of benign breast tumors (non- cancerous), or also known as bump fibrokistik references.

Diets high in fat, especially saturated fat is the type of food that causes breast cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, although the risk is small, but high-fat diet contains more calories, which tend to cause obesity or obesity are directly linked to breast cancer.

According to Cancer Research UK, the type of meat and how to cook it is triggering factors of breast cancer, especially if taken in excess. Red meat, such as beef, and fried meat is the cause of breast cancer. Recommended to take white meat like fish and chicken breast meat.

Soybean meal from an alternative food made ​​from animals. But the American Cancer Society warns that consuming soy in large amounts over time can increase the risk of breast cancer. Estrogen-phytochemicals, found in soy touted associated with the growth of breast cancer cells. Women who have had breast cancer should avoid soy products, because it can worsen their condition.

Breast Cancer Prevention and Resolution
Symptoms of breast cancer is difficult in the beginning and most of the effects of the recently discovered when the cancer cells have invaded other organs to heal difficult. Breast cancer treatment is done by surgery and chemotherapy adversely affected physically and mentally for the female patients.

For that, the best thing a woman should do to protect themselves from breast cancer is to live a healthy lifestyle, including good diet and exercise enough. Certain types of food has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer such as low-fat dairy products, and fruit and vegetables, and foods with high fiber.

Too fat is also bad for the health and raise your risk of breast cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, obesity or obesity are closely associated with breast cancer. Women with excess weight are encouraged to lose weight to help prevent breast cancer and other health problems.

Apricot seeds have nutritional content is very unusual, especially Bitter Apricot. In the language of nutrients, this Apricot seeds contain amygdalin call, which is also known as vitamin B17. B17 can help kill cancer cells in our body, a result can free ourselves from this vicious attack cancer), which is a 'silent killer' scary words :O

To women who have breast cancer, I was advised that pulled it together in the face of any future pain. This disease does not mean life has been destroyed. There are many medical treatments and could save the situation. That is why I insist that undergo early screening and self examination regularly do to prevent this cancer. The role of women themselves who will shape the future of their lives. Don't ever give up women!

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