Saturday 21 December 2013

Maag Disease ? Ulcer ? Read On!

Actually I don't know which one is the name of the disease. Is it Maag ? Or Ulcer ? Seriously I don't know: But you guys can just read this article. Btw the meaning of both name are same but I don't know the scientific name for this disease :) If anyone know can tell me okay ? :)

What is Ulcer ?
Ulcer disease or gastritis, also known as peptic ulcers, is not a single disease. Heartburn refers to several conditions that cause inflammation of the stomach. Usually, inflammation is a result of infection by Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach that caused injury. However, there are also other factors that can trigger heartburn such as stress, unhealthy lifestyles and irregular eating patterns. Medically, stomach ulcers or gastritis is defined as a collection of symptoms (syndrome) pain or discomfort in the pit of the stomach, upper gastrointestinal tract and surrounding organs. Accompanying symptoms include nausea, bloating, early satiety, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea even up.

Ulcer disease can be grouped into two :
Namely functional heartburn and stomach ulcers organic.

1. Functional heartburn, stomach ulcers that if further testing with binoculars upper gastrointestinal tract (endoscopy) found no anatomical abnormalities.

2. Organic heartburn, which when examined with the endoscope will be anatomical abnormalities found. For example, injuries to the stomach and duodenum, the esophagus and gastric polyps and cancers of the digestive organs.

Several stages in Ulcer disease:
Ulcer disease also has several stages ranging from mild to acute. And if allowed to continue without treatment, can lead to gastric cancer.

1. Mild Ulcer
Mild gastritis which is still relatively mild stage usually each person was at this stage, if the examination will look at the excess stomach acid wall.

2. Middle Ulcer
Ulcer at this stage is causing pain, nausea and painful illness.

3. Chronic Ulcer
Chronic ulcer is an ulcer that had severe heartburn intensity was compared, the possibility of inflammation or injury to the gastric mucosa.

4. Acute Ulcer
Is a severe stomach condition, can occur because there are ulcers, infections of the stomach, as well as microorganism infection disadvantage is Helycobacter Pylori.

5. Gastric Cancer
It is already a very dangerous stage and requires immediate medical attention.

Cause of Ulcer
There are several things that make a person may develop stomach ulcers, among others :

1. Diet
People who have irregular eating patterns susceptible to this disease . At the time of the stomach should be filled , but left empty , or delayed filling , sour stomach will digest the mucous layer of the stomach , causing pain .

2 . Type of Food
Certain foods will stimulate the stomach wall , causing inflammation / injury , such as eating spicy or acidic .

3 . Emotional Stress
Gastric acid production will increase at times of stress , such as excessive workload , anxiety , fear , or rushed. Increased stomach acid levels will cause discomfort in the stomach .

4 . Drugs
There are certain drugs that stimulate the stomach wall , causing a disruption in the balance of the stomach . Therefore, certain medicines , should be consumed after meals . Some of these include pain medication from the class of salicylic acid and mifenamat ( eg aspirin , ponstan ) . Rheumatic drugs are also included in it .

5 . The presence of diseases such as burns , surgery kidney failure , and others .

6 . Alcohol and cigarettes .

Symptoms of Ulcer
1. Burning pain become the most common sign of an ulcer. The pain of peptic ulcer was felt from the breastbone down to your navel. The pain may last a few minutes or a few hours and can come and go just like that. This attack will be worse at night or when your stomach is empty. You can seek help by eating certain foods or taking medicine that can reduce the acid in the stomach.

2. Vomiting blood and acid from the stomach is a sure sign of a gastric ulcer. If it gets like this you should immediately see a doctor.

3. Nausea and vomiting be a sign of an ulcer. Vomiting often occurs to relieve the nausea experienced by patients with peptic ulcers.

4. Take a look at your shit. Feces ulcer sufferers can be black or bloody like. Notify your doctor. Bleeding ulcer and untreated can lead to anemia and other complications.

Food Causes Ulcer Disease
Here are some foods that can cause heartburn as it is delivered by experts from the New York Otolaryngology :

1 . Chocolate
The content of cocoa , caffeine , and other stimulants , such as the obromine , can cause increased levels of acid in the stomach . In addition , chocolate also contains a lot of fat , while fat can also affect gastric acid .

2 . Carbonated Drinks
Containing beverages or carbonated soda is one of the main causes gastric irritation . Because these types of drinks are highly acidic , coupled with the effects of carbonation that can make the stomach so bloated that can make the condition becomes more uncomfortable .

3 . Fried Foods
Like to eat fried foods ? You should know that these foods can also affect gastric acid due to the high fat content . In addition , also like to eat fried foods often cause heartburn disorders , ie there is pain in the gut .

4 . Aperitif
Consumption of beer , liquor , and wine can affect acid reflux . There are several types of alcoholic beverages that are indeed not too acidic , but experts state that alcohol can relax the channel at the bottom of the esophagus ( which is related to the abdominal area ) , and this can lead to acid reflux .

5 . Dairy products are high in fat
Foods high in fat can increase levels of stomach acid . Meanwhile , dairy product itself is already acidic . So , you should begin to stop eating butter or high-fat milk if stomach upset often experience . Or at least , switch to the lean .

6 . Fatty meat
In addition to the high fat content , beef , goat , or sheep can last a long time in the stomach and increase the likelihood of acid reflux . Therefore , you better reduce their consumption to only once a week . Switch also to the choice of meat without fat .

7 . Caffeine
Excessive drinking coffee every day can contribute to stomach upset . For that , it helps you reduce the consumption of coffee , or switch to tea .

How to Treat Ulcer Disease
Although no ulcer can be cured , because it can recur at any time , but the ulcer can be overcome . In addition to treatment using pharmaceutical drugs , healing stomach ulcers can also use medicinal plants . Here is a traditional herb to treat stomach ulcers :

1 . Turmeric
The properties of turmeric to heal wounds has been reported since 1953. Case studies for abdominal pain due to peptic ulcers , after 12 weeks of treatment , 88 % of patients who received the turmeric pills ( 3 pills , which is equivalent to 4 g ) showed improvement and an incurable case . Required 2 finger turmeric . Peeled and cleaned , shredded , and boiled water added . After that , squeezed through a clean cloth . The result allowed to stand and take water . Taken 2 times a day , each one herb . Drink it in the morning before eating and at night before bed .

2 . Aloe Vera
Aloenin Magnesiun lactate and aloe vera leaves are identified to inhibit gastric acid secretion . Fresh Gel from approximately 1 pieces of aloe vera leaf , taken for a drink . In a day and need to drink as much as 2 times . To improve the taste of the gel can be given honey to taste . Pregnant women should not consume this herb .

3 . Basil forest ( Ocimum sanctum )
Basil herb or shrub forests form highly branched high as 0.30 to 1.50 m . Java can be found throughout the lowland . As a gastric ulcer drug is recommended to consume fresh basil leaves forest as a salad every day .

4 . Powder ( Kaempferia galanga )
1 finger rhizome . Rhizome washed peeled and chewed with salt as needed . After finely chewed , swallowed it , followed by drinking warm water . This is done 3 times a day .

5 . Grass jelly ( Cylea barbata )
1 handheld leaf grass jelly ( approx 80 grams wet weight ) . Leaves washed and finely ground . Then kneaded with water and filtered cooking necessary , given the whiting water as necessary so quickly becomes thick . Once the clot is eaten with sugar water or syrup . In this way the day is done 3 times , each with a cup size of approximately 200 cc .

How to interference with the stomach / duodenum? 
Food into the stomach will be chemically digested by the enzyme renin and pepsin and gastric acid ( HCl ) . In a healthy person , there is a balance between enzymes and gastric acid by the gastric mucosal resistance ( mucus lining of the stomach ) . This means that the presence of enzymes and stomach acid does not cause disruption to the mucosal lining of the stomach . They live next door to the well , so that peaceful atmosphere is created in the stomach cavity . If there is a disturbance of balance , there will be damage to the mucosa which causes pain ( pain ) . When this disorder occurs continuously, the injury occurs in the mucosal lining of the stomach .

The pain is caused by gastric acid stimulation of the mucosal lining of the stomach , so that the nerve endings that belongs to him more sensitive to pain . The pain is usually felt in the pit of the stomach area and it was clear that it could be demonstrated with certainty its location . Sometimes the pain is felt in the front of the chest wall or can be in the back . In addition to pain , stimulation of gastric acid had also resulted in the emergence of nausea. This pain will be felt when the stomach is empty and lost after filled food .

Typical symptoms of the disorder in the duodenum is pain at night . Not all heartburn sufferers feel a complaint as described above . There also are no symptoms , but suddenly there is vomiting blood or defecating blood blackened . Therefore need to be alert at all times . This disease can affect anyone and at any age . As so often happens , the disease is one of the problems in the health field .

The danger of Ulcer 
Many among us who consider this trivial ulcer disease . Though many serious threat behind the attack . Activities so disturbed because of pain , tenderness and nausea , is one thing for sure . Well , that is often not realized is the result of the disease further . If left without treatment , it will be more intense inflammation , wounds will be deepened , gastric bleed . Serious !

The presence of bleeding in the stomach is characterized by severe pain and vomiting blood or defecating blood be blackened . If allowed to continue it could be leaking hull , penetrating wounds to the stomach so that the stomach wall cavities . Blood will be entered into the abdominal cavity and cause very severe pain . This situation can lead to death .

If we are healthy , then all activities will be possible to do . Indeed, health is not everything in life , but it has everything if not healthy , so useless it is cannot enjoy it :)


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