Monday 11 November 2013

Eating Habits Among University Students And Its Implication Towards Learning

Students must read this article because it is very important for our health :) it also can give an impacts on our learning. Let's read guys! :)

Consuming a balanced diet is a very important requirement for the excellent human capital. Some questions about our balanced diet like what we eat, when we eat, how often we eat and where the food was taken should be emphasized. Even the awareness of the quality of foods and eating patterns also affect the student's physical and mental. Moreover, this article aims to discuss the eating habits among university students and their perceptions of proper nutrition. Most of the university students have a good knowledge and awareness about the aspects of proper nutrition and healthier food. However, in terms of eating habits, we found that there are several student not take breakfast and eat junk food and unbalanced diet.

Food and nutrition behavior change actually associated with a change in behavior and modern lifestyle which occurred among society.The small size of family, house and kitchen causes society more comfortable eat in the restaurant. In terms of expenses, some household expenditure in Malaysia provided for the purpose of either food eat at home or outside the home. However, there is a trend to eat at home spending continued to decline from 13.4%
between the years 1973 to 2005while spending on food away from home rose 6.2for the same period. S
tudents are faced with the constraints of time and financial resources. Thus, the intake of ready meals offered at the campus eatery is more economical and easier than prepare their own food show that there is a relationship between obesity and overweight
by eating out practices among adults and children
Students who eat a lot of fast food tend to have a high Body Mass Index (BMI). Feeding practices in food premises ready not just to fill the stomach, but has become a culture to socialize, relax and also as an economic meeting between the parties or businesses.

Quality of food intake is important in order to supply the human body with the nutrients and energy and maintaining good health. For a student, the awareness of food quality and food consumption patterns are very important because they influence the development of mental or physical reaction a student who is the backbone of the country's human capital in the future. Practices and dietary patterns among university students is seen from the six aspects of food menu options, meals, dining, shopping for food and students' perception of the purpose of eating and eating-related matters.

Food Menu Options

In Malaysia, Items on the menu option to detect behavioral aspects of student nutrition foods eaten at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most of the students choose food based on bread, while the rest opted for rice-based foods such as nasi lemak and fried rice for breakfast. For lunch, the 92.7% of students choose mixed rice, while for dinner, the food menu options more focused on non-rice food (such as bread and noodles) and a la carte food '% respectively of 46.3% and 22.0%. Supply and demand of food a la carte indicates that the development of food trends associated with globalization. In addition, there was an increase students who take meals from 2.4% to 7.3% midday at night. 

Meal Time
Item of meals are meant to detect the correct student nutrition table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Normally, the best dining table is between the hours of 8-9 am for breakfast, 12-2 pm for lunch and 8-9 pm for dinner. While the 10-12 hour period between noon Called brunch (breakfast + lunch), 2-4 pm from 10 to 12 pm and 12 midnight is considered a bad meal.

Nutritional quality is an important factor to ensure the mental and physical health of a person. For a student, taking a balanced diet and a consistent diet schedule must be well in everyday life . Although a student forced to eat food prepared on the premises, but they must be aware of and sensitive to the quality of the food and balanced diet practice. There is also a tendency for students to ignore the important meal of the day, do not skip breakfast, eat once a day or supper. As a result, the practice will have negative impact on the health of the students in turn affects their learning activities. Such phenomena should be avoided by adopting a schedule of regular and consistent diet . Although students with tables squeezed academic activities or extra-curricular tight and financial constraints, the phenomenon is not eating or unbalanced diet should be avoided because it may affect their own learning .

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