Tuesday 12 November 2013

Brain Tumor Symptoms and Treatment

Today I will explain the causes and treatment of brain tumors. Sureee those out there terrified and afraid of this danger illness. The more you read about this, the more things that you will know about this danger illness :) Don't give up to live! You must fight with this illness. You deserve to live!

Brain tumors are the most common solid tumors occurring in children. This disease regardless of age of the child. At this time, more than half of the children who have been diagnosed with a brain tumor can be cured of this disease. However, the treatment of brain tumors is very complex due to the tumor location. As a result, many children treated for brain tumors experience significant long-term problems, such as changes in intellectual and motor function. Thus, these children require constant evaluation and specialized care to help them to school and continue with their daily life as possible. So, be careful children out there >:]

Types Of Brains Tumors
There are many types of brain tumors. Only two types of brain tumors that often affects children of medulloblastoma and glioma. other types of tumors are :

-Acoustic Neuroma
  *Grade I - Pilocytic Astrocytoma
  *Grade II - Low-grade Astrocytoma
  *Grade III - Anaplastic Astrocytoma
  *Grade IV - Glioblastoma (GBM)
-CNS Lymphoma
-Other Gliomas:
  *Brain Stem Glioma
  *Mixed Glioma
  *Optic Nerve Glioma
-Metastatic Brain Tumors
-Pituitary Tumors
-Primitive Neuroectodermal (PNET)
-Other Brain-Related Conditions

Symptoms Of Brain Cancer
1 . Experiencing frequent Headache
Early symptoms of brain cancer are not detected early is frequent headaches that come over and over again , this experienced headaches usually come suddenly and prolonged .
2 . Often experience nausea
Because the brain does not work normally  subsequent symptoms which may occur in which patients/patient will often experience nausea and metabolic conditions that are less balanced
3 . Body often feel weak and Hard To Walk
Cancer patients in general can not do heavy work, because the condition of the patient is sometimes easier limp body, making metabolic imbalances in the body's energy supply becomes unbalanced. This condition will cause difficulty in moving because the energy is not channeled properly.
4 . System imbalance hearing, eyesight and sense of smell .
Brain cancer patients will experience symptoms that vision and hearing will be reduced. Power decreased hearing and vision caused by an imbalance of supply - supply of nutrients to vital organs in the body on a regular basis and takes place in a time that is long enough, the symptoms developed as the growing cancer cells are found in the brain. Olfactory organs will be impaired by this cancer attack, accuracy and power of smell is not as usual (normal conditions)
5 . Feet and hands cannot feel anything
Brain cancer at a stage sufficiently severe response will start to lose feeling in his limbs like the hands and feet, is due to central nervous organs is impaired by cancer cells
6 . Difficulty concentrating
Patients with stages ending Brain Cancer Symptoms can be hard to concentrate because of the activity of cells is still in its early stages, forgetfulness and memory as well as the diminishing response of the body that are not controlled, this is because the brains of patients already controlled by the intact cell cancer cells .
7 . Partial paralysis of the face and body
Extreme conditions of patients (end-stage  will lead to vital organs that are controlled by the cancer will not be saved again, this condition will cause paralyze on certain parts, such as the face and other body parts . This condition is a preexisting condition cannot be helped because surgical techniques and various other methods can not raise brain cancer cells without compromising organ by the cells
8 . Sleepiness sense of prolonged cessation of menstruation in women
Although the patient had done enough rest (at normal conditions is bedtime for 8 hours) feeling sleepy still going to happen, is due to conditions such as paralysis of some vital systems in the body so that the body will always be tired and need a rest. Same happen to me too. I feel so sleepy even i sleep more than 9 hours. Seriously, why these things happen :(

Cause Of Brain Tumor
The cause of brain tumors is unknown. Children are born with a rare genetic syndrome (such as neurofibromatosis, Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, Li-Fraumeni) known to have a risk of developing tumors of the nervous system. Children who have received radiation treatment to the head as part of other cancer treatments also at high risk for brain tumors. Sometimes i got headache. But I don't know what's the things that make me headache. If anyone feel the same, go check it with doctor okay ? :)

Brain Tumor Treatment

Brain tumor treatment involves a multidisciplinary approach. Modality treatment consisting of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, alone or in combination. In most cases, a brain surgeon will remove as much tumor as possible. This will provide the tissue to be examined by a pathologist to determine the exact type of tumor. Sometimes the hose or tube should be inserted to drain excess cerebrospinal fluid from the brain into the lining of the abdominal cavity. This process is intended to reduce intracranial pressure and relieve symptoms. If the tumor can not be removed because it is dangerous sites such as brain stem, or if surgery is not complete or if there is a possibility that some cancer cells left, then radiotherapy may be given after surgery. Chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to destroy cancer cells . It is routinely used to treat medulloblastoma and are increasingly being used to treat other types of brain tumors .

So, we should always go check our health maybe once a month in clinics. Health is very important to us :) For those who suffer from such diseases or other dangerous diseases, do not give up to live, enjoy your life! Don't be sad okay ?  :)

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